(AJNews) – November is a special month designated by the international Jewish Community to celebrate Mitzvah Day – a faith-led day of social action. On Mitzvah Day over 40,000 people in 35 countries around the world, come together to make a difference.
In honour of Mitzvah Day, NCJWC – Edmonton Section and the Jewish Seniors Citizens’ Centre are helping a senior’s shelter called Senior’s Safe Place, part of Sage Seniors Association.
The two organizations are both collecting shampoo/conditioner, body wash, body lotion, and toothpaste. Some of the clients have arthritis, so regular size of the products would be appreciated.
Please drop off your items at the Edmonton Jewish Seniors Citizens’ Centre by November 30 at 10052 – 117 Street.
For more information contact ncjwc.edmonton@gmail.com.
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