(JTA) – The general council of the United Church of Canada voted in favour of promoting a boycott against institutions complicit in what it called the illegal occupation of Palestinian land.
On its 42nd annual gathering this week in Corner Brook, Newfoundland, the council of the United Church of Canada voted in favour of the text on Israel on Aug. 11, its website reported.
The resolution passed was in favor of “initiating and developing a program of education and advocacy in co-operation with our partners, related to divestment from and economic sanctions against all corporations and institutions complicit in and benefitting from the illegal occupation. This would include education about tourism which bolsters the oppression of Palestinians.”
However, the United Church website report noted, “This was understood as advocacy and encouragement, rather than a mandatory or binding direction to the church.”
Founded in 1925, the United Church of Canada is among the country’s largest with at least 600,000 members, according to the National Post.
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