(AJNews) – Rabbi Leonard Cohen of Kehilat Shalom in Calgary sent a reminder to members and friends to RSVP for in person Yom Kippur services by noon on Wednesday, September 23, 2020.
“We understand and agree with your commitment to stay safe in this time of pandemic,” writes Rabbi Cohen. “This email is not to coax you into any change of opinion, but simply to ensure there are no misperceptions in the community.
“Please note that Kehilat Shalom’s guest Cantor Cory Winter has completed a two-week long quarantine (having arrived in Calgary on August 31) as per Canadian law, and as per Jewish halachic requirements for safety.”
Precautions for services include mandatory facemasks for all; amplified social distancing (10 ft. or more between cohorts); services relocated to gymnasium for increased space and ventilation (including open doors to outside); shortened services; and revising of rituals – such as no coming to the Torah – to prevent people from coming into close contact with one another
Other Covid related measures to ensure the safety include the following: At check-in at the JCC, congregants will be temperature checked and required to answer Covid 19 screening questions. The washrooms are open but the water fountains are closed.
“In any event,” adds Rabbi Cohen, “we recognize that people may not be comfortable attending services in an indoor location even with these precautions. So we offered an outdoor, open-air shofar-blowing (with distancing) at Heritage Park, Sunday Sept. 20 at 3:00pm, at the big H at the Park’s entrance. This event was free to the Calgary Jewish community, and intended to allow all Jews to fulfill the mitzvah of hearing the shofar sounded. (No RSVP was necessary.)
“Wishing you and yours a safe, healthy and happy Jewish New Year. – – RSVP for YOM KIPPUR SERVICES by Wednesday, noon, September 23rd. – – info@kscalgary.org or 403-613-1848.”
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