(Edmonton) – Are you looking for an enjoyable and informative Sunday School experience for your child that will include celebrating Jewish holidays and learning Jewish customs?
Or Shalom Jewish Sunday school is gearing up for the new school year and we warmly welcome families with children from ages 3 through 12.
Or Shalom is run jointly by Temple Beth Ora & Beth Shalom synagogues and in addition to holiday celebration our curriculum also includes age appropriate lessons on Torah, ethics, tzedakah, tikkun olam as well as some Hebrew.

Quinn bakes challah at Or Shalom Sunday School’s Family Education Day. For information or to register contact orshalomschool@gmail.com.
Our Family Education Days, with themes like Shabbat, Chanukah, Purim and Yom Ha’atzmaut are opportunities for parents to join their children and help to celebrate Judaism as part of family life.
This year we look forward to re-connecting with residents of Our Parents’ Home.
Families registering by July 1st can take advantage of the Early Bird Special!
For registration forms & information, please contact TBO office at 780-487-4817 OR orshalomschool@gmail.com
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