Purim fun in Calgary – Costumes, feasting, merry making and mishloach manot!

Purim in Calgary was a wonderful assortment of in person and virtual events. (Photo from CJF Facebook)

(Calgary) – Purim was celebrated around the world on March 16 and 17 and a variety of fun events were held in Calgary for all ages. Costumes, Hamantaschen, noisemakers, carnival fun and delivering mishloah manot. The holiday had something for everyone. Last week we looked at some of the Purim events that were held in Edmonton. Here are some of the events that took place in Calgary:

On March 7, the Golden Age volunteers baked Hamantaschen to get ready for the holiday.

On March 15, JAC – the Jewish Adult Calgary group participated in a delicious Purim soup making activity. Partner agencies were Calgary Jewish federation, Beth Tzedec Congregation, House of Jacob-Mikvah Israel, Temple B’nai Tikvah and Jewish Family Services. All the tubs of soup were donated to JFSC with love.

On March 16, a virtual megillah reading was held at Beth Tzedec.

On March 17, a multi-generational Hamantaschen Bake was held at Beth Tzedec.

On March 18, PJ Library Calgary celebrated a Purim Tot Shabbat at the JCC. All the kids (and their parents) had a great time!

CTeen kicked off Purim on March 17, with an amazing Purim in PJs Party. The teens enjoyed games, activities, delicious “breakfast for dinner” gourmet buffet, raffles, Megillah, Jewish friendships & more!

On March 19, Chabad Alberta hosted a Community Purim Celebration – Back in Person! What a night it was! Delicious (individually packaged) buffet dinner, animated megillah reading, magic show, balloon animals, Purim crafts, ping pong, giant connect four, refreshing cocktails, lechaim, & most importantly COMMUNITY! It was amazing to be celebrating again, in person – in true Purim style!

Of course Purim was also celebrated by students and staff members throughout the schools at both Calgary Jewish Academy and Halpern Akiva Academy.  All in all it was a memorable holiday!

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