(AJNews) – Alberta Jewish News is pleased to provide community Chanukah greetings once again in our December edition where individual members of the Calgary and Edmonton Jewish communities wish each other and the entire community a Chanukah Sameach and show their appreciation for having a community newspaper mailed to their homes each month.
This Chanukah we are on a subscription drive and we’re hoping to have the participation of as many of our readers as possible. If you receive the newspaper and you enjoy receiving it – please consider buying a greeting. The cost can be as small as $36 or $72 or $180. You can buy for one holiday or you can reserve for three including Pesach and Rosh Hashana.
There are multiple ways to order a greeting; the easiest is to go to our website albertajewishnews.com/greetings and fill out the order form. You can also contact the office by email to albertajewishnews@gmail.com or calgary@albertajewishnews.com or call us at 780-421-7966.
We have a variety of greetings you can choose from and you can personalize it with the names of your family members. This is one of our most popular features; we love getting to know all of our readers, and we’re hoping you will make our greetings section the best ever.
This year, to show our appreciation for everyone who participates, we are having a draw for tickets to Broadway Across Canada’s production of Fiddler on the Roof. The show is playing first in Edmonton, at the Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium and then in Calgary at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium.
Fiddler on the Roof is fantastic! It’s been called a “life affirming production. A wonderful cast and a lavish orchestra tell this heartwarming story of fathers and daughters, husbands and wives, and the timeless traditions that define faith and family.”
Featuring the Broadway classics “Tradition,” “If I Were a Rich Man,” “Sunrise, Sunset,” “Matchmaker, Matchmaker” and “To Life,” Fiddler on the Roof will introduce a new generation to this uplifting celebration that raises its cup to joy! To love! To life!
And this is one way that we at Alberta Jewish News can say Todah Robah to you.
Help us make this a very Chanukah Sameach, order your greeting today.
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