(Edmonton) – Chabad of Edmonton is hosting 2 public Chanukah celebrations this month – the first on December 7 is an inaugural University of Alberta Chanukah party at 4:30 pm at SUB Stage and the second is the Giant Menorah Lighting at the legislature grounds on December 10 at 4:30 pm.
“Bezrat HaShem on Sunday December 10, Chabad of Edmonton is looking forward to hosting our 32nd Annual Candle Lighting Ceremony at the Legislature,” says Rabbi Ari Drelich. “The program will start at 4:30 pm.”
The annual celebration at the legislature grounds attracts hundreds of people from a cross section of the community. At present we already have confirmation from many community leaders and several dignitaries. Edmonton Police Services Chief Dale McFee has been given the honour of lighting the Shamash this year.
“It is sure to be a wonderful event,” adds Rabbi Ari. “Lighting the giant menorah is one of the highlights of the calendar year in the Jewish community. This year’s event is expected to be larger than previous years as more and more members of the Jewish Community seek to connect to their roots.”
Due to the construction taking place at the legislature, please note the following:
– The short indoor program will take place in the Alberta Legislature as per usual with access through the west side, past security.
– We will then proceed to the Annex Road (about a 45 second walk from the rotunda) for the lighting ceremony.
– Following the ceremony, the community will be welcomed to the QEII building (about a 1 min walk from where the ceremony is being held), for delicious donuts, latkes and a children’s’ program.
Please see attached map.
As always, the event is open to the general public and I look forward to seeing you there.
Free transportation will be provided to the event, with park and ride service leaving Beth Israel at 3:30 pm and leaving Beth Shalom at 4 pm. Return transportation will be leaving the legislature grounds at 6:45 pm.
Jewish Federation of Edmonton and National Council of Jewish Women – Edmonton Branch are once again helping with the event.
“We encourage everyone to please join us, as well as, to invite all your friends and neighbours to this wonderful display of Jewish pride and unity.”
Extra security measures will be in place at both events – at the University of Alberta and at the legislature grounds to ensure the safety of everyone in attendance.
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