Celebrate Tikkun Leil Shavuot in Edmonton

Shavuot will be upon us shortly, and what better way to celebrate the gift of Torah than with a community wide Tikkun Leil Shavuot. On May 23, 2015 many of our beloved Jewish institutions in Edmonton are teaming up to bring us “From Moses to Maimonides (to McDavid)… the transmission of our tradition: A night of stimulating engagement with Torah & our sacred texts as they are understood & lived in the 21st Century.”Tikkun leil Shavuot flier 2015

The evening begins at 7:00 pm at Talmud Torah School with study sessions going on throughout the night, beginning at 7:30 pm with a discussion of Judaism and Justice, led by Deborah Hatch of Temple Beth Ora and Phil Lister of Beth Shalom, and will conclude with a session at 10:50 pm led by Rabbi Kliel Rose of the Beth Shalom Synagogue on “How to create (constructive) conflict.”

“Shavuot is a festival that celebrates the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai,” explains Rabbi Rose. “It also marks the conclusion of the seven week period after Passover – the counting of the Omer and the spring harvest.”

There will be a variety of sessions taking place all on topics important to modern Judaism, and all led by prominent leaders in our community. Kosher dairy snacks and beverages will be available all night as well. For specific topics of sessions and leaders please see the poster in this article.

The event has captured the excitement of the community, Rabbi Rose continued, “We are very pleased to be presenting this Tikkun Leil Shavuot, a night of learning that includes so many members of the Edmonton Jewish Community. Temple Beth Ora, Beth Tzedek, Talmud Torah, JNF, JCORE, Jewish Federation & Beth Shalom have all teamed again to sponsor this community event. Can you imagine how truly awesome it would be for so many members of our Jewish community — Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Humanistic, Secular, & Renewal–all from different streams coming together to study Torah!”

Truly, it’s what Shavuot, and the gift of Torah is all about.

1 Comment on "Celebrate Tikkun Leil Shavuot in Edmonton"

  1. Awesome singing by Talmud choir of children.

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