By: Dr. Stan Kitay and Mike Zabludowski, Co-Chairs
(EJNews) – On Thursday, August 17, 2017, 35 golfers and over a dozen volunteers had a terrific day at the Beth Israel Golf Tournament held at the beautiful Lewis Estates Golf Club. Whether the scores were high, low, or somewhere in between, it was the challenge, fun and teamwork that made the golf day so special.
The day took many months of planning by a volunteer committee headed up by Stan Kitay, Past-President of the Beth Israel Synagogue and long-time volunteer and Past-President, Mike Zabludowski. Many individuals took the time to plan a tournament extraordinaire including: Paul Deutsch, Dr. Shelby Karpman, Rosemary Kitay, Steve Lazanik, Tsipora Reboh, Jodi Zabludowski, and Program Coordinator, Luba Allen.
We are proud to announce that every hole was sponsored. Thanks to all who donated funds to make sure this happened. There was even a hole-in-one sponsored by Investors Group (Sandra Nageli), although no one was lucky enough to win the $5,000.
The event was fortunate to have 3 silver sponsors: Dr. Stan & Rosemary Kitay, NCJWC-Edmonton, and an Anonymous Donor. There was one bronze sponsor: Total Plumbing and Heating. The other hole sponsors were: Bunt & Associates, Edmonton Granite Memorials, Morris & Pearl Grojecki in memory of Sara & David Grojecki, Dr. Shelby Karpman, Land Rover Edmonton, Dr. Sam & Michelle Marcushamer in honour of the soldiers of the IDF, Metalex Recycling, Mintz Law, Barristers & Solicitors, Risktech Insurance Services, Romanovsky & Associates (Alan Jacobson and Ram Romanovsky), Schayer & Wolinsky Families, Smith & Wight Opticians, Stratica Medical, and Michael & Jodi Zabludowski.
The tournament could not have occurred without the able volunteers at the various holes. Each and every volunteer, too numerous to mention, contributed immensely to make the day fantastic for all involved. The golfers appreciated the fresh donuts generously donated by Bliss Baked Goods. The EDGJE, courtesy of Rabbi Kaplan, cooked up a tasty cholent which was provided “at the turn”; this was very special and made the golf tournament a unique experience. Having fruit kabobs, delicious salami sliders, a scotch and beer hole, plus a candy hole together with photos, made the day memorable and fun.
The day proceeded into the evening where golfers, guests and members of the community enjoyed a delicious steak dinner with all the fixings catered by Lauren Baram and her able crew. Prizes were given out, and people enjoyed bidding on over 25 silent auction items generously donated by the Jewish and general community at large.
David Dempsey, who was raised in Australia and lives in Edmonton, provided comic relief to the audience. He is a very talented young man and he became a Western Australian state finalist for the Melbourne International Comedy Festival’s competition in 2006. He gave his thought provoking insight into daily life living in Canada in general, and Edmonton in particular.
The top three teams for the golf tournament proudly accepted their prizes at the dinner. The winning team for this tournament was: Mark Huberman, Michael Paull, Randy Soifer, and Jeff Rubin. Congratulations to this winning team! The second place team was: Mike Zabludowski, Dr. Shelby Karpman, Steve Lazanik and Ernest Pheh. The third place team was Dr. Heather and David Vickar, and Asher Pertman.
The Men’s Longest Drive prize went to Alex Bernstein and the Men’s Longest Putt went to Paul Deutsch. The Closest to the Hole – 2nd Shot went to Dr. Shelby Karpman. The Women’s Longest Drive went to Heather Vickar and the Women’s Longest Putt went to Lindsay Logodin. Andrew Gergely won the Ball in the Water and Dr. Stan Kitay won the Ball in the Sand.
Honorable mention goes to Andrew Gergely for wearing the most original golf pants which no one can ever forget! The ladies’ team, consisting of Michelle Marcushamer, Evelyn Schayer and Judy Sternberg, won the BI Ball contest (they were the only team to hand in their played golf ball at the end of the day).
Congratulations to all the winners!!
Proceeds from this event will go toward The Beth Israel programs for both children and adults. Beth Israel, the Family Shul, is a forward-thinking modern orthodox synagogue. The Youth Department runs weekly and annual programming for all ages, infants to Grade 12. No matter a person’s tradition, all are invited to future events for fun, inspiration and programs that will leave you with fond memories and new friends.
Thanks, again, to all who participated in the day of golf and evening program. We look forward to celebrating future events with you!
The Teams

Team 10 took second place.

Team 1 – third place.

Team 2

Team 3 won the BI Ball Until the End Award.

Team 5

Team 6

Team 7
The Volunteers

Beth Israel Golf volunteers

Beth Israel volunteers – serving fruit kebabs.

Beth Israel golf tournament – serving salami sliders.

Beth Israel volunteers – serving scotch and beer.

Serving candy…

Volunteers serving cholent.

Beth Israel volunteers serving Bliss Donuts.
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