Alberta Jewish News Calgary edition: Cover art by Shelley Werner

Designer and Judaic Illustrator Shelley Werner, is the host of Art and Scroll Studio.

(AJNews) – The whimsical art on the cover of the Calgary Edition of Alberta Jewish News is by Shelley Werner, a designer and Judaica Illustrator. She is one of the founding members of Art and Scroll Studio, which includes Michele Doctoroff and Caron Glickman. She is the host of their live Zoom series.

An award- winning speaker, Shelley is passionate about integrating Tikun Olam in all things. Having recently moved from Winnipeg to Calgary, she uses bold colours, watercolour and markers to celebrate her Jewish heritage.

Shelley says that her inspiration is found in the “joy of life cycle events, the Jewish calendar of celebration, and the resonance of ritual and contemplation.” The Rocky Mountains have brought her a new form of meditation on majesty.

On Wednesday October 6, 2021, at 7:00 pm MDT on zoom, the second season of Art and Scroll Studio will begin with the bold work of Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik.

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