(EJNews) – In Edmonton and throughout the Jewish world, the past few weeks have been a very busy time of commemoration and celebration.
On May 2, the community gathered at Beth Shalom Synagogue to honour the victims and survivors of the Holocaust. The event included a very moving Yom Hashoah candlelighting ceremony where the participants are Holocaust survivors who are members of our Edmonton Jewish community and their families – second generation survivors. See our photo gallery here.
On May 8, the community gathered to commemorate Yom Hazikaron, a somber occasion to remember the fallen soldiers of Israel and victims of terrorism. See our photo gallery here. In Israel, Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut fall on the same day, with only moments separating the time to mourn and the time to celebrate the anniversary of the State of Israel.
In Edmonton, we celebrated Yom Ha’atzmaut with a party celebrating Israel’s 71st birthday the following day on May 9. The celebration took place with a veggie bbq and dance party at Snow Valley. Special guest speaker was Alberta’s newly elected premier Jason Kenny. See our photo gallery here.
As Rabbi Gila Caine, from Temple Beth Ora said from the podium, the fact that we are so far from Israel and we celebrate these holidays is truly wonderful – it’s even a miracle. Our connection to Israel is important but equally important is our connection to one another, as a community. That is what makes us stronger and that makes Israel stronger too.
All of the events were hosted by the Jewish Federation of Edmonton with support from various community groups and organizations.
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