(EJNews) – On Shabbat, Jan. 30th, a large group of young professionals in our community got together at the Fantasy Land Hotel for an incredible weekend run by The EDJGE. The highlight was our guest speaker Boruch Cohen, an accomplished L.A. attorney who addressed us many times over the course of Shabbat.

Kollel Rabbi Moshe Segal introduced guest speaker Baruch Cohen at the community event took place following the Young professionals Shabbaton.
After a delicious Shabbat dinner produced by Catering by Ed, we all gathered in one of the conference rooms for the opening speech. Mr. Cohen captivated the audience by sharing his own personal experiences of what it is like to openly demonstrate his Judaism in a secular workplace. Possessing no shortage of Jewish pride, he delivered a powerful message that we should be proud of our heritage, and our contributions to this society in which we live.
With meticulous planning, the staff had every detail worked out to ensure the participants could maximize their Shabbat experience. There was babysitting provided for those who wanted to put their younger kids to bed, as well as kids’ groups for the older children. Completely unencumbered, parents were able to enjoy every aspect of the program.
After Shul and Kiddush Shabbat morning, we convened in the conference room once again for a second talk by our guest speaker. The subject was the epic, famous battle between David and Goliath, a confrontation so shocking in its conclusion, it propelled David into the national spotlight, and a legacy was born. Mr. Cohen, having done extensive research on the subject, was able to highlight certain nuances in the text that provided a fascinating layer to the story that is not well known. In addition to allowing us to access a level of clarity in the storyline, our guest also encouraged the audience to do our own analysis on these Torah portions, to see what nuggets we could extract that are lurking beneath the surface.
A traditional Shabbat lunch followed, with all the trappings. Having all been put up in the hotel for the duration of the weekend, many spent a leisurely afternoon resting and socializing. The Mincha prayer was followed by Seudat Shelishit, and a powerful, gripping story was given over by Boruch. The story was interspersed with meaningful Jewish songs, and the overall atmosphere was quite moving. We ushered Shabbat out with a musical Havdalah service, complete with singing, dancing, and musical instruments.

Guest speaker Baruch Cohen with Dr. Eric Muradov.
Such a fantastic Shabbat would not be complete without a fitting sendoff, and we certainly had one. On Motzei Shabbat, we were addressed one final time, with Mr. Cohen providing through a PowerPoint presentation different perspectives on how to cope with the challenges of life. It was a serious lecture, but one that offered extremely valuable insights, and the listeners walked away with strategies that will no doubt help navigate the hardships that life often throws our way. After the presentation, everyone enjoyed wine and hors d’oeuvres.
The overall consensus of those who were fortunate enough to attend was that it was simply a surreal weekend. Every detail was accounted for, and the entire experience was one filled with growth and friendship. From the sleeping arrangements, to the exceptional food, to the inspirational words we received throughout the weekend, it was a memorable experience. Stay tuned for more great events for young Jewish professionals coming soon in our great community!
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