Providing the essentials: A new program by Na’amat Canada Calgary

Na'amat Canada Calgary has launched a new initiative to fill an unaddressed need for clients at Jewish Family Services Calgary (JFSC). The initiative is called Na'amat Canada Calgary: Providing the Essentials.

(AJNews) – A new initiative was established to fill an unaddressed need for clients at Jewish Family Services Calgary (JFSC) called Na’amat Canada Calgary Providing the Essentials.

Na’amat Calgary Volunteers, Linda Gutman, Stephanie Sacks &amp and Judi Baron Bown unpack and fill the shelves at JFSC. Photo supplied. 

“Our program will provide hygiene items and cleaning supplies that most of us take for granted: but when someone is struggling to make ends meet or living under the poverty level, these items are unaffordable,” says Stephanie Sacks, Na’amat Canada Calgary President.

As stated by Inessa Kessel, Senior Basic Needs Coordinator of JFSC, “Our clients who we supply with food, also require personal hygiene and cleaning supplies, and now with the generosity of Na’amat Canada Calgary Providing the Essentials program, they will have these items. This program will make such a meaningful difference.”

“Our Na’amat Canada Calgary Providing the Essentials program will be an ongoing project, and our members are so pleased that we are able to assist JFSC, and help so many Calgarians,” says Aviva Lifschitz, Na’amat Canada Calgary Membership Chair.

Shipments have already been received at JFSC, and Na’amat volunteers have unpacked them and stocked the shelves. Hampers that are given to clients will now include personal hygiene necessities as well as cleaning supplies.

Established in 1925, Na’amat Canada is a Jewish women’s non-profit organization that benefits the women and children in Israel through our Na’amat daycare centres, vocational and agricultural high schools for troubled teens, legal aid services, a women’s health centre, mental health counselling, and centers for victims of domestic violence. Locally since 1998, Na’amat Canada Calgary School Supplies for Kids program has provided over 26,000 backpacks filled with school supplies for children being cared for in Calgary and southern Alberta domestic violence and homeless shelters. For more information go to:

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