by Regan Treewater
(AJNews) – We have Shabbat; let’s keep it!” is the catchy slogan for the worldwide Shabbat Project. “We can steal a day out of life to live,” reads their website in a snappy, yet thought provoking call to observance. The Shabbat Project is, indeed, about “keeping it together” from continent to continent, hemisphere to hemisphere: in ten languages, in 97 countries, with 1,416 partnering cities, and more than a million individual participants and counting! This year Edmontonians will join together as one with Jewish brethren and unite in the light of Shabbat on November 15th and 16th.
The Shabbat Project, first launched in South Africa in 2013, is a self-proclaimed “grassroots movement,” with the community and identity building purpose of bringing together “Jews of all backgrounds and levels of observance to experience one full Shabbat together.” The visionary behind this annual international celebration is South Africa’s Chief Rabbi, Dr. Warren Goldstein. Remarkable and accomplished at only 53-years of age, Rabbi Goldstein has been the Chief Rabbi of the Union of Orthodox Synagogues of South Africa since 2005. His PhD dissertation was published as a book: Defending the Human Spirit: Jewish Law’s Vision for a Moral Society, and this same spirit of justice, dignity, hope, and community is now a growing movement with the Shabbat Project.
“Since October 7th, Shabbat has emerged as a powerful source of strength and comfort, a fortress of faith and family, a shining light of inspiration and meaning amidst the uncertainty, turbulence and pain of these days. Our deepest Jewish instinct to seek out Shabbat have kicked in. There are countless stories of inspiration of how Shabbat has held us, giving us the strength we need,” expressed Rabbi Goldstein in a promotional video for this year’s Shabbat Project. “We instinctively know that in anguished times like these we connect with the eternal gift G-d gave us from the beginning of time – Shabbat. […] Like a true soulmate, Shabbat brings us joy and happiness, offering love and support, holding and carrying us through life.”
Beth Israel Synagogue is a proud participant each year, and coordinates programming to bring together the larger Edmonton Jewish community to share in the radiance of Shabbat. The aim of the undertaking is to unite Jews of all observance levels and with varying Judaic beliefs for a shared meaningful experience. “Shabbat has accompanied us on all our journeys through history,” expanded Rabbi Goldstein. These are times now where antisemitism has malignantly entered the societal dialog as normalized rhetoric, and world Jewry must find solidarity and support from within through ancient traditions that bind Am Yisrael as one. “It fortifies us with a sense of purpose, giving us the strength and courage to withstand the challenges of Jewish history. No matter what we have been through, Shabbat has always been there to give us dignity and respect,” he added with conviction. “[…] It is never more than six days away. The heroes of October 7th and its aftermath show us the way.”
This year, Beth Israel Synagogue, as in years past, will host their annual Challah Bake for women and girls. This is a beautiful occasion with hugs and heart to reconnect with old friends, create meaningful memories between generations of women, and to make new community connections, all while sharing in the fun-filled preparation of a Shabbat table staple! This year, the Challah Bake will take place on Tuesday, November 12th at 6 pm in the Social Hall at Beth Israel Synagogue. All are welcome to come out and showcase their dough braiding prowess, but pre-registration is required. For those who may have never made their own challah before and have only enjoyed it on the eating end of the process, this could prove an excellent learning experience, and inspire them to prepare this baked delight for their family’s weekly enjoyment.
There will be additional programming on November 15th and 16th to mark the 2024 Shabbat Project in Edmonton, and details can be found on the Beth Israel Synagogue website: For any questions, members of the larger Edmonton Jewish community can contact Sylvia at: Come out, bake some challah in anticipation of a memorable Shabbat, light candles, make a blessing, and connect with fellow Jews from all corners of the globe. In times of societal division, it is monumentally important to be united as a Jewish people.
In closing, Rabbi Goldstein circulated this statement to global partners and Shabbat Project organizers: “And so, let the word go forth that this year’s Shabbat Project on 15/16 November, will be a Shabbat of global Jewish unity. Let us unite in cities across the globe. Let us gather together in our homes and synagogues, in our streets and community centers. Let us join hands with family and friends and neighbors, with our brothers and sisters throughout the world – one people with one heart. Let this be our rallying call – let us bring the light of Shabbat into our homes, our hearts, our lives. We have the gift of Shabbat. Let’s keep it together.”
Regan Treewater is a Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
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