Calgary Jewish Academy launches a new naming initiative

Registration is now open for the Calgary Jewish Academy 2021-22 school year.

by Joseph Tappenden

(AJNews) – The Calgary Jewish Academy has launched a campaign where you could be recognized in our hallways and leave a lasting impact on our school community. Is there a physical space at the CJA that has significant meaning to you? Your old kindergarten classroom, where you met your lifelong friends? The music room, in which you discovered your love for the arts? The stage in the gymnasium, where you watched so many of your children’s performances?

A gift to the Adopt a Room Campaign is an opportunity to help shape and elevate the learning environment for students. With an aging building that has been serving students for more than fifty years, the wear and tear has been significant. Over many years of generous community support we have been able to make several improvements, however with the Adopt a Room Campaign a significant impact could be made right away and would leave a lasting impact for nearly a decade or longer.

The Adopt a Room Campaign is an initiative where families can adopt a physical space in the CJA facility. Adopting a space is a 10-year partnership, either with an outright gift or through one that is pledged for up to five years. By making a gift you are highlighting your commitment to the excellence and success at the CJA. Some examples of areas around the school that you could name are: classrooms, a wing of the school and the building itself.

When you take part in this campaign, you can name a space in honour of loved ones, in recognition for an achievement, or even get a group of people together to make a gift collectively (ie. Graduating Class of 1978). All gifts toward naming a specific space will have signage recognizing your dedication within the building.

If you would like more information about the Adopt a Room Campaign, please contact Joseph Tappenden at: or (403) 253-3992.

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