(Edmonton) – Rabbi Guy Tal was a winner at the September 4 Edmonton Beth Israel Golf Tournament – for being a good sport and trying golf for the first time ever as part of Team 10 – pictured below – with Shane Asbell, Rich Moore and the Lazanicks. Yasher Koach to the organizers, volunteers and golfers at this event. The winning team – pictured above with Shane Asbell and Mike Zabludowski included Laura Mueller, Scott Vreeland, Lynn Catena, Howard Worrel.

Everyone had a wonderful time at the Beth Israel Golf Tournament on Sept. 4. Team 10 didn’t win the tournament but it marked the very first time that Beth Israel Rabbi Guy Tal golfed. And he – along with everyone who participated – had a great afternoon of fun!
For the first time ever, Alberta Jewish News sponsored a team. They didn’t win any awards but they had a great time!

Team Alberta Jewish News: Farrel Greenspan, Dan Moser, Jerry Kovacs and Allan Kovacs.
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