Jewish Federation of Edmonton CEO Stacey Leavitt-Wright
by Stacey Leavitt-Wright
(Edmonton) – The Jewish month of Elul has just started, a period of self-reflection and readiness for the High Holy Days. The challenges we’ve faced this year have exceeded our expectations. Elul is even more significant as we get ready to commemorate October 7, although it is still October 7 in Israel for many.
Ongoing rocket attacks plague the northern region, resulting in shattered communities and displaced families, while 101 hostages remain in captivity. In the diaspora, we are witnessing an alarming rise in antisemitism.
How do we stay strong in the face of despondency?
According to the prophet Isaiah, the only way to escape despondency and crushed hope is by actively pursuing goodness with others.
During this period of introspection, I am delighted to introduce our new United Jewish Appeal (UJA) campaign, “As One”. This campaign goes beyond raising funds; it is a call to action for us to unite to assist those in need and to reinforce the values that bind us together. It demonstrates our combined resilience and determination to create change, both domestically and globally. I invite you to join us in this campaign, to contribute what you can, and to stand as one community united in our mission to support and uplift each other.
The Jewish Federations, at the core of an unbreakable spirit, are the foundation supporting Jewish communities globally. We are the united strength that sustains Jewish life, not only during crises, but every day.
The Jewish Community Centre project is a symbol of hope and rejuvenation for our community. This new facility will be a place of connection, learning, and resilience, offering a vibrant space where we can gather, grow, and strengthen our bonds as we move forward together.
Your support is not just charity, but a powerful testament to our resilience and dedication to each other, and I am deeply thankful. Your united commitment has been the bedrock of our combined accomplishments and the driving factor behind our shared vision for a better, more vibrant Jewish future.
May this month of Elul bring us closer together and may we find strength and renewal in our collective efforts to support, uplift, and protect each other.
Shanah Tovah U’Metukah- may we all experience a sweet new year.
Stacey Leavirr-Wright is CEO of the Jewish Federation of Edmonton.
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