A message from Lisa Libin, President Calgary Jewish Federation

by Lisa Libin

Lisa Libin, President Calgary Jewish Federation

(Calgary) – It’s hard to believe we are at the end of 2024. As I reflect on the year, I recognize that so much of the past 365 days will impact who we are as Jews and as a community. Many will likely see 2024 as a huge disappointment. It was exhausting – both spiritually and physically. And it is hard to think that 2025 will be much different as we continue to see the enormous spikes in antisemitism tied to the lack of moral leadership in almost all capacities.

As we lead into 2025, I plan to use the next few weeks to reflect on what it means to be a Jew. How do we show up for each other – and to the rest of the world – when we have been so hurt, so disappointed, and so angry with the world around us? How do we move forward into a world of optimism in a time when everything seems so dark?

Given the challenges and disappointments of today’s global environment, we are all acutely aware that being a Jew in 2025 will bring new demands on our resilience, commitments, and engagement. But I also hope that it means bringing about the opportunity to have new conversations, to educate those willing to learn, and gives us a chance to continue to be proud – prouder than ever before, to be Jewish and part of such an inspiring and strong community.

I look forward to celebrating Chanukah with this amazing community in the coming weeks. I find that there are but a few times of the year as inspiring as Chanukah to remind myself how special Jewish Calgary truly is. There are events for every age and stage and the pure love and need for celebration is felt more at this time of year than any other time.

I am also so excited to welcome Rob Nagus as the new CEO to our community as of January 1. His vibrant optimism and steadfast commitment to the importance of community, and the need for it to evolve ensures he is going to be a wonderful addition to our Jewish Calgary family.

And as we wrap up 2024, I also want to express a very special thank you to Diana Kalef and Rhona Shore. They both stepped-up in a time where we needed interim leadership, and the assurance that our security and safety needs remained top of mind. Kol Hakavod to both of them – to Diana for taking on the role of Interim Executive Director during a busy, unprecedented time, and to Rhona for overseeing additional security responsibilities. They have both ensured our community remained strong and vibrant over the last five months.

I want to wish everyone Chag Chanukah Sameach – a very happy holiday! I hope everyone has the opportunity to take the time to look for the light through the darkness, but to also take the time to recharge and refuel your inner selves. We likely have a long road ahead, but if the previous years have proven anything, we are going to face adversity with  the strength and unity that always makes me so proud to be part of Jewish Calgary.

Happy Chanukah and Happy New Year!


Lisa Libin is President, Calgary Jewish Federation.

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